12 February 2008


holy monstrosities batman. has it been forever or what.
oh well. water and bridges and spilt milk and all that.

with it being so long, and with everything that has happened in the last few months, it is difficult to know where to begin.

dive in?
ignore it?
dissect it?

so there i was just trying to live my life, then all hell breaks loose.

well it sounded good at the time.

since i last posted:
done lighting for several dance productions
run titles for an opera
executed and graded tests for the first semester of the apprentice program
got horribly sick
got reasonably better
been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea
begun the treatment for apnea
(you should see my cute little air compressor. i'll try to get a picture up soon.)
begun insomnia "help", "treatment", "counseling"... i have no idea what to call it
started the second semester of the apprentice program
(yes, the students all still hate me. i'll get over it.)

still to come in the next couple weeks:
load in another H&G
titles for a symphony version of peer gynt
load in cinderella at the opera

i'm sure there are many more things done or to do that i should list, but this will at least help give me an idea of what things i might want to talk about.
i mean it this time. my goal is to actual post on a regular basis. over the course of the next week or two, i will attempt to decide exactly what that schedule will be and how i will execute this goal.

maybe you'll actually find out what the results is.

or not.

i'm out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oy! Punk!


Here's hoping you do something besides work.
