27 February 2008

job satisfaction

its opera week.
we load in monday through thursday.
rehearsals start saturday.
i have a pretty useless and unimportant job. just one of the little itty bitty cogs that could be got along without, but kind of help a little from time to time.

always a great way to feel better about yourself.

feeling a bit out of place anymore. i don't know how much longer i can stay at these low pay low satisfaction jobs.
time to start looking again.
we spend too much time in our lives at work to not enjoy it.
i've enjoyed this in the past. it provides a respite from some of the other realities in my life. but its time to go after things again.
i wonder if i'll miss it.
maybe a part of me.

so what am i after, you ask.
several different things.
but for now i am going to leave the details a bit fuzzy. i don't want to jinx things by telling too many people too early.

i'll let you know soon.

i'm out.

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