31 December 2009

something good.

today had something good in it. not so much for me, just a reminder that there are good and interesting people out there.

i sometimes work at a local arts space. mostly lighting with a little of whatever else is needed. they do dance, theatre, parties, classes, etc, etc...

this evening, a young man was using the space for a romantic little getaway. dinner, dancing, a proposal...

it was pretty neat to see someone doing something sweet and romantic for someone they love.
just sayin'...

this was horrible written, but right now, i do not really care. maybe next week.


29 December 2009

once more has been a long time since i post.
i am suck.
work is there. barely.
life is there. barely.

existence is suck.

buy new camera.
it is not suck.
hope pictures soon.

opera is soon.
don't know is suck.
let you know soon.

crappy post.
i is suck.


11 October 2009

07 October 2009


...i got nothing.

same theatre, different opera.

maybe more to come. i keep hoping.
although i have learned a few things so far this week.
some good.
some not good.

but it still moves.


05 October 2009

ummm, the same.

today begins the first opera load-in of this season. i hope to not bore myself by posting the same stupid crap as i have posted about opera before. but no promises.


28 September 2009

head cold in prose.

the brain fog is settling in nicely. i do not know what i see, or what i hear, or what i think. the steady run of fluid covers my throat and my sleeve. the violent coughs grate the walls as they bring up remnants of the downward flow. other eruptions spew forth from cavities nasal and beyond, bringing forth more bodily detritus to cover whatever is in front of me; my keyboard, my monitor, my hands, etc., will all need significant attention when this is over.
a slow ache resonates throughout my flesh. its much larger and stronger sibling pounds through my skull as if with god-forged hammers. i hold my hands to keep the lid squarely on the brainpan, as each mighty swing of the hammer is compounded with the sharp thrusts of sneezing spears and hacking cough-swords.
words escape me, basic motor function is all the barely remains. the walls form my balance, the floor a vague and disturbing threat that eats at whatever serenity i might try for. sleep deprivation, a long and consistent friend has deserted me and gone over to the enemy. its guidance helps clear the fog of war for my adversary, and add to mine. the billowing clouds of mind fog chase the lazy drifting haze of almost-consciousness from my eyes, leaving me to stare blankly into empty walls of confusion and daze.
i venture once more into the fray, charging forward with command orders to sleep, to medicate, to pass through the lost passages of coherent thought.
once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.

27 September 2009


prolly crappy. i'll check the blog later.

no idea

seemed like the thing to do at the time.

today's window

a forgoten thread revisited.

24 September 2009

another day...

...but not so much in paradise.

i have terrible headache, all the day long. try deal with big internal issue. pressure from outside on couple different fronts, personal & professional.

know have couple friends. prolly could even talk to them. hard.
time and distance again conquers.

completely lost. completely alone.



21 September 2009

new pic

in my never ending quest to get a halfway decent picture out of my cellphone...

18 July 2009

ummm... huh?

just because.

i am not here.

so much for getting out of town for a few days of camping. instead staying in town for a few days of sick. apparently my body figured out i don't have to be anywhere and is taking its revenge.

really want to get out. maybe if feel better tomorrow (later today) i can still go overnight.


working on an essay/thought process/blog post.

we'll see what it turns out to be.


11 July 2009

anger. betrayal. etc.

relearned a very valuable lesson this week: never trust. anyone.
a mistake hope never to make again.

so, been a long few weeks. burned out.
need a vacation.
have an extremely busy mon - thur.
going into the mountains fri - ...
maybe come back. maybe wont.
don't figure anyone will care much.

will be posting more pictures in the next couple days.
may also post one of the writing projects.

until then.

03 July 2009

the lost writings...

are not as lost as you might think. i do continue to write. not as often as i would like, but there is still progress. as i may or may not have said here before, i am following some bits and pieces of advice from various souces, most of which boil down to "write, you idiot, let the rest take care of itself." one such piece of advice suggests stream of consciousness writing everyday. i am trying this. i am also taking the advice that says, don't show this crap to other people. however, i am working on some other things, some of which i hope to show you soon.

if this post is too similar to something i have already written, i apologize. i do not go back and read, i simply write more stupid and inane crap and saddle you with the responsibility of dealing with it.

i also have more pictures on my phone that i will hopefully be uploading here within the next few days.


01 July 2009


it is amazing what uncovering a window can do

26 June 2009


and some sky too.

07 June 2009

once again, i cave to your demands...

let it not be said that i am unresponsive to the needs and desires of my audience.
so, as requested...

a view from temple square

me and jesus, only a foot a part.

am i right, or am i right?

watch out!

i'm tellin' ya, the glare gets worse ever day...
let that be a lesson.
of what, i'm sure you will know better than i.


04 June 2009

bee in your bonnet

i got home this afternoon from helping a friend move some stuff around to discover...


too freakin' cool.

for those who wonder, our little lost lamb was restored to his correct environment shortly after this video.

sometimes, the universe is pretty cool.


18 May 2009

proper opera etiquette...

demonstrated at this evening's performance.

09 May 2009

buddha, tree & converse.

all is right with the world.

26 April 2009


today's window has wildlife. crappy picture. working on better one.

23 April 2009


new little thai place a few blocks from home. very yummy. very friendly. pretty reasonable. more later. metings now.

07 April 2009

smoky hazy stuff.

I don't recall posting this before. so here you go.
for those paying attention, I wish to report I have indeed been doing some writing. I keep going back and forth on posting it. maybe I will later. for now, this.

evening shades descend
unwary travelers fear
blackness swallows all.


06 April 2009


I may be a bit obsessed.
hard to say.


29 March 2009


more snow picks later. they're on the real camera. will upload and post.


today's window is white. gotta love it!

18 March 2009

pregnant pictures

ok, here we go...

first try...

a little better...

i think you see what we're going for here.

just thought this was just tres cool.
hope you like it.

wednesday opera fun

saw a pregnant women in the audience this evening. during intermission, she was standing in front of her seat, with her hands holding her tummy. it was absolutely awesome.

hopefully the picture i took will come out and i can post it later.

quick and dirty.
more to follow.

16 March 2009


...outside the theatre before the show. notice the... nevermind, nothing to see here move along.

03 March 2009

the absolute best one of all.

cannot beat it. with a stick. or sliced bread.

i cried. the drama. the pathos. the... the...
i have no words.


maybe 50 words. total. at best.


Who ya gonna call? 

the walls. they are closing in.

anyone know what's next?

the union stagehands lot.
work work, work.
alas, poor me. 

i'm sure there are more. somewhere...

of words & not words

as you may have noticed, we began loading in the opera this week. i have taken some more stupid pictures for you to suffer through. i hope you like them.

i have been falling down on my responsibilities as a writer this last few days. i promise i will work on something i can post for you in the next week or so. then you can suffer through the thousand words, without the beneft of brevity the picures give.

image trauma. more to come...



tuesday opera 2

Multimedia message

tuesday in the Capitol

25 February 2009


today's window - we move to the kitchen

24 February 2009


lovely view. too bad this pic doesn't capture it. sorry. only had my cell. maybe have better camera next time.

23 February 2009

sick day 1.5

i didn't say anything about it yesterday, but i was feeling a little ill. figured it was work stress, plus birthday (which always equals stress for me). well, i guess not. been sick all day today. feeling like i will probably be sick tomorrow as well. this is going to be a rough week. barely made it into the office this mornng to get the things i needed done. did not do my writing homework. or my french homework. or the other homework i was going to do. not a good start to the new goal procedure.

i really will try better tomorrow. i promise.



today's window with a twist

22 February 2009

another day, another year older.

i got more writing done for the rifts campaign. played the adventure yesterday. things seemed to go pretty well. 

i have not written more in the other areas of focus yet. but i am still reading.
i hope to begin regular daily writing exercises tomorrow. along with another daily habit. 
we'll see how it goes.

just thought i would check in.
i am trying to be better on at least one front. maybe blogging will be it. and i have begun posting more often, including actually interacting with others, on twitter. maybe some day if you are very good i will tell you where to find me there.


21 February 2009

progress, such as it is

so, the writing journey has begun. i do no have fully fleshed samples for you to view today, but i will tell you some of what i have done.

first, i have begun collecting the stories i told you about last time. only a couple and not complete yet, but bare bones begun at least.

second, i did do some writing for the rifts campaign this week, adding some flavor text for the adventure tomorrow.

i hope to begin full blown work on the new campaign next week, as well as some other projects.

in my defense for this week.
i had quite a bit of work to do. got most of it done.
bought some writing books. been reading. hopefuly some of it will stick and/or help.

thought i'd let you in on the (limited) progress.

have a good weekend. i will not be thinkin about you while i am gaming.


15 February 2009

the journey of a thousand miles...

in the last few weeks, i have had three separate people approach me about my writing. now i have never considered myself a writer, but have enjoyed some of the writing i have done. and the thought has crossed my mind once or twice over the many years. so...

i have decided to give it a try.

over the next few months, i am going to explore several different aspects of writing.

fiction - a story (short or long)

non-fiction - collected stories of my life, both my own and those others allow me. (this is the one two of the people who told me i should write brought up.)

gaming - this is a two parter. first, the flavor of my on-going rifts japan campaign. second, the creation process of a brand new campaign. a d20 modern/future game. so this part will involve world creation, campaign setting and ultimately adventure design and flavor text.

blog - i will be attempting to log, journal, chronicle, etc, this journey of the written word. i will also be attempting to twitter it as well. no idea how stupid all of the transparency will get, but it will be another aspect of the writing.

i will also be pursuing some writing aids. i have found several collections of short exercises i intend to follow. hopefully they will hep.

i may at some points ask for commentary. i will certainly be open to constructive criticism in the public formats. 


oh, yes. one more thing. my blogs and twitters and other public ramblings may not be grammatically correct, properly punctuated and capitalized or will have some other english-related issues. get over it. 
i will write in each of these aspects as i see fit. informally most often, but proper when needs be.

i hope to have at least two samples to play with by the end of this week. i'll let you know.

and now to get to it. 

...one small step

21 January 2009

saving life

lifesavers - saving the opera one title at a time.

12 January 2009

title home base

the most useless job in opera. 2nd class citizens of the arts world untie.

10 January 2009

Multimedia message

sideways lowlight stages are fun