22 August 2011

women. can't live with 'em. can't kill 'em all.

so it turns out there was never any shot with the previously mentioned girl.
she was lying to me.

you know, i can understand a girl not liking me. i can understand a girl not wanting to talk to me, be around me or have anything to do with me whatsoever. i may not like it, i may not want it, but i can understand it. but at least have the basic human courtesy to tell me to my face. if your intention is not to screw with me, then just say so. but ignoring calls and texts when you tell me to call you, in fact you put your phone number in my phone? being nice to my face, then sneaking out the back door without saying anything, not even goodbye? that's just cruel.

so to all of you who think i should find a nice girl and settle down, bite me. there is no such creature. the only women who are, have been or ever will be nice to me are women who are safe. married, long term relationships, etc etc; in some fashion unavailable.
unattainable goes without saying.


twitter repeat

Muscle spasms + pain + drugs + late night + sick + heartbreak = my life last 48 hours

10 August 2011

dumbass again.

proved again today what a colossal fuck up i am.
and of course, it was about a girl.
i have no excuses.
i am just plain good old fashioned stupid.
instead of thinking and talking and finding things out, i just reacted. poorly.
i may have lost my chance with her.
someday, maybe i wont be so bad at this.
yeah, right.

07 August 2011

In case you were wondering, the head is not the best tool for opening the oven...

Tonight in 80s -Ville. For some reason wishing I had someone to share with. Guess that just became you...

02 August 2011


so, still no idea what my life is, was or will be.
designed a show. seemed to go... something.
parts of it were fun as hell, parts were just hell, but the show turned out pretty well. it looks good. i have been told there will be pictures. once there are, i will try to post some. not sure why. i think there might be one person who ever looks at this blog. but i want her to see the pictures. so there.

i am also trying to get some pictures from a couple other recent shows i have done.

here's to that.
