28 May 2008

more opera pictures

i told you i had some more. here they are. in no particular order...

dark stage.

not so dark stage.

my home away from home.

Utah Opera Company

Don Giovanni - Mozart

Capitol Theatre

22 May 2008

here we are...

wow. lost track of the time.

so here we are again. have some more pics from opera world. i hope to get them up in the next day or so.

been an interesting week. trying to get some things under control. might work, might not. but i'm told effort is worth something.

moving forward considerably on my personal project. threw away several boxes worth of crap last weekend. have some more to do this one. but i think i need to go buy another little filing cabinet first. or not. i'll probably keep working on it anyway. just hope i don't lose track of everything until i do get the new cabinet.

think i've figured out what i want to do with the rearrangement of my living space. will involve much heavy lifting. and buying new furniture. and framing pictures. wow. it seems bigger now writing about it then it did in my head. i guess i was trying not to think about it.

this is going to hurt.

i'm out.

15 May 2008



Sitting in the doctor's office. Always exciting. And the best part is you get to enjoy it for a long time.

Of course I like these folks. And I think it might really be helping. Hard to say.

guess we'll find out soon.

13 May 2008

empty spaces

eating alone (in the entire restaurant) of a teppanyaki grill.

oops. someone just sat down. more later.

09 May 2008

back in the world, soon.

so its been a few days.
sorry about cheating so much with the pictures. been pretty busy but didn't want to get out of the habit.
i will hopefully be writing more, although i like the ability to use pics.
i also like posting from my phone. it makes things easier.

just ran into this video. must see.

i'm out.

03 May 2008

more tech

too bad I missed getting a shot of the statue almost falling over.

a night at...

here we go again.

fun in piano tech.

02 May 2008

playin' around

I wonder what this looks like...

food for preshow

opera loading in.
me writing tests for apprentices.
apprentices taking tests.
me grading tests.
me dead.

oh look part of a set.
dinner begins
not sure i can still eat...
going. to. explode.

Venue: Capitol Theatre
Company: Utah Opera
Show: Don Giovanni
Restaurant: Myung Ga
Cuisine: Korean
Food: Lots. Yummy.
Very Yummy.
if you are in salt lake, check this place out. its very, very good.
then come see the opera. i need the money.
i'm out.