04 November 2007

i got some pictures today from one of the people in santa barbara. they show a bunch of us hanging out backstage. its interesting to see an event from someone else's perspective.

there is something i am not sure i want to post here. not that anyone reads this blog, but i am considering telling certain people about it. however there are a couple people i do not want to read the things that i want to say. so i think for now i will keep it to myself. maybe someday i will write about it.

in other news, i have almost nothing to report. i am still fat, still alone and still terrified of women. sometimes i question whether any of these things will change.
yes, i am seeing a nutritionist now. but as of yet, i am having difficulty meeting the requirements she has of me. things which you wouldn't even think are all that hard.
however, small steps.

hopefully soon, the new rules will become much easier to follow. i am told they do after a while. i think the hardest part right now is admitting and then believing that i am worth all the trouble.
this is a new concept for me, one that has taken many years of hard work to even get to the possibility. now i have to cross the line.

maybe later.

i am hopefully going to be purchasing a new piece of software by the end of the year that will help me accomplish many of the things that i would like to do. mostly from a productivity standpoint. i'll tell more as we get closer to is happening.

that should be enough for now.

move along. nothing to see here.

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