02 November 2007

begin the beginning

wow. i don't even know how to begin.

it seems each of my posts begins with an apology for not posting more often. of course, that assumes there is someone who actually reads this. i cannot imagine there is. i think i have only told one person about it.

maybe it is time to change things. perhaps i need to actually post daily. or weekly. or set some other arbitrary goal. of course none of that means anything without some means of control, some way to remind/force myself to post regularly. perhaps i need to put it in outlook as a task. maybe having my computer yell at me once in a while, telling me to get my fat ass in gear and write something will help.

perhaps we'll try it. let me ponder...

in the meanwhile.

october is always a slam month for me. three weeks spent in opera-land. this year it was the flying dutchman. pretty heavy stuff. light for wagner but heavy. of course, i don't really pay all that much attention. mostly during the show i surf the 'net, play games, etc.
this year, the opera also sent me out to do a set install. utah opera rents out the sets from their shows. most opera companies do. well we have a couple little ones, ones even i can't screw up. so i drove a truck to santa barbara (the eye in the firestorm that is california), set up a show, hung out for a couple days, then drove back. it was actually the perfect week. a couple long boring drives, a couple days of work, a couple days of nothing. sort of a working vacation. i still was doing stuff online and by phone (at least until it ran into some problems) but overall had a surprising amount of time to myself.
there are some awesome people down there. i had a blast. the crew was great. the town was fun. had some good food. rode a quad up a cool mountain. saw some beautiful scenery. saw some beautiful women. walked around a town where to all appearances i was the fattest guy in the whole city. probably not true but an interesting thought...
of course then i had to come back.

i am not going to spend a lot of time on this post. i want to get into the habit of posting more often so parsing may stories may help. hopefully.

maybe you enjoyed them too.

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