12 March 2008

today was really hard.

once again proof that nothing good should ever happen to me.
the next day or so, everything goes wheels-off.

sorry. just a rough day.

need to get working on the big list i created last night. things to go, places to see, people to do.

maybe once i can get that moving in something resembling a forward direction i'll be able to feel decent about some things. good may be a bit further off. who knows.

short and sweet tonight.

i'm out.

1 comment:

Liz said...

it's almost Easter... i'm still waiting for the fluffy-bunny blog my good man. Easter. Spring time. GOOD is NOT a bit further off... it's here! maybe what you need is a Bambi! B is for bitchin-free, A is for alcohol, M is for munchies, the second B is for bewiderment--do something that's so not you, and I is for isolation--getaway from anyone who has an opinion about you. So you don't bitch, you drink, eat, do something unexpected and have no one judge you for it. Now that's a vacation!

Just keep thinking fluffy bunnies... nothing says non-rough day like fluffy bunnies!