11 March 2008

sorry, time got away from me again.
opera seems to do that.
it also seems to get me down.

i took the bus to the show tonight. didn't want to park.
decided to walk home after.
about a mile and a half. takes anywhere from .5 hour to 1.5 hour.
depends on what i see, how i feel, etc etc.

i hurt. my feet hurt. my back hurts. my knees hurt.
everything hurts.
i haven't done this in a long time. very out of practice.

best damn thing i have done in a long time. i need to start doing more of it again.

i have been spending a lot of time contemplating my reality.
i am not pleased.
in the spirit of my new outlook on the universe, i must change.
i have several options.
i will be exploring them.
i can no longer wait.
i must create my own life.
passive is the path to mediocrity.
active is the path to failure.

without failure, there can be no success.

time to fail.

i'm out.

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