15 June 2008

butoh and some actual writing

i'm back.
been posting a bunch of butoh lately. that is because i have been observing a couple butoh workshops over the last few weeks.
yes, observing. i don't "do" butoh. i do not dance. of any kind. fat white guy got no rhythm. or talent. or desire.
however, i do light dance. and i have lit most of the theatrical performances of this group since 1999. we have done some interesting work in that time. some of the pieces have really gotten through i think.
i am not sure how much longer i will be working with them. they seem to be keeping me out of the loop. i pushed them pretty hard for a while. trying to get them to grow, to be a professional company, to have money for shows, etc. they kept blowing me off. now that they are actually trying to do some of the stuff i kept advocating they do, they have written me out. oh well. just my luck. to have a group that could have paid me to travel around the world doing shows finally start moving in that direction but without me.

oh well.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I want to see you dance! ;)