06 November 2011


here i am.
been gone a while.
need to work on that.

just finished designing a production of aida.
for a high school.
so much fun. i mean it.
no sarcasm intended.
the kids were a blast. i forgot how much i like teaching. small groups, not the whole class. but still, when i had a few of them and we were working on something and i could explain what we were doing and why and sometimes even the history behind such things...
too much fun.
tons of work. i think people underestimate how much work goes into a high school production. in fact, one could argue they are harder and more effort than professional productions.
no trained crews, no professional skill sets, teenage angst, etc, etc, etc...

my understanding and appreciation of all those teachers go through has increased. 

the director/drama teacher and the musical director/vocal teacher have put in too many hours to count, sacrificing time, family, food and money to make something the kids could be proud of; should be proud of.

what a fantastic group of young students they have.
this is not an easy show. singing, acting, dancing, costumes, quick changes, props, sound, music, microphones, lighting, spotlights...
as anyone in this industry knows, there are many times many elements in any production, but the big musicals seem to bring them all on at once.
and these kids, these performers and crew, these theatre people make it look easy.
is it perfect? no. 
is it ever?
it is perfect watching a group of students threading the shallow waters on their way into the deep, deep oceans of theatre and performing arts.
it is perfect watching a great show performed by talented people.

every story is a love story.
this is the story of me falling in love with theatre, and the people who make it, all over again.


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