21 March 2010

so i made it.
i am alive and here in Lincoln, Nebraska.
now what.

tomorrow i will load in a set, then fly home.
it will be exciting.

i will take pictures. maybe i will show them to you.
whoever you are.
if you are.


19 March 2010

its the middle of the end...

...or the end of the middle. not sure which.
don't really care.

tonight is my last night on this opera. it still has one more performance and a load out, but I will not be here. instead, I will be driving to lincoln nebraska to put up a set for the company. it will be nice to get out of town for a few days.

anyone know anything fun to do in beautiful downtown lincoln?


10 March 2010

here we are again...

just sitting here so i thought i would type something in.
wow. extremely profound today, i know.

feeling pretty empty of thought. nothing really new in that, i guess. but there you have it.

i have started working on a new rpg campaign. i'm actually kind of excited for it. haven't really been excited for gm'ing in a while. although, the excitement seems to be coming as much from working with a pencil and paper as it does from the reading and planning portions.

i guess we will have to see what happens.
