25 February 2009


today's window - we move to the kitchen

24 February 2009


lovely view. too bad this pic doesn't capture it. sorry. only had my cell. maybe have better camera next time.

23 February 2009

sick day 1.5

i didn't say anything about it yesterday, but i was feeling a little ill. figured it was work stress, plus birthday (which always equals stress for me). well, i guess not. been sick all day today. feeling like i will probably be sick tomorrow as well. this is going to be a rough week. barely made it into the office this mornng to get the things i needed done. did not do my writing homework. or my french homework. or the other homework i was going to do. not a good start to the new goal procedure.

i really will try better tomorrow. i promise.



today's window with a twist

22 February 2009

another day, another year older.

i got more writing done for the rifts campaign. played the adventure yesterday. things seemed to go pretty well. 

i have not written more in the other areas of focus yet. but i am still reading.
i hope to begin regular daily writing exercises tomorrow. along with another daily habit. 
we'll see how it goes.

just thought i would check in.
i am trying to be better on at least one front. maybe blogging will be it. and i have begun posting more often, including actually interacting with others, on twitter. maybe some day if you are very good i will tell you where to find me there.


21 February 2009

progress, such as it is

so, the writing journey has begun. i do no have fully fleshed samples for you to view today, but i will tell you some of what i have done.

first, i have begun collecting the stories i told you about last time. only a couple and not complete yet, but bare bones begun at least.

second, i did do some writing for the rifts campaign this week, adding some flavor text for the adventure tomorrow.

i hope to begin full blown work on the new campaign next week, as well as some other projects.

in my defense for this week.
i had quite a bit of work to do. got most of it done.
bought some writing books. been reading. hopefuly some of it will stick and/or help.

thought i'd let you in on the (limited) progress.

have a good weekend. i will not be thinkin about you while i am gaming.


15 February 2009

the journey of a thousand miles...

in the last few weeks, i have had three separate people approach me about my writing. now i have never considered myself a writer, but have enjoyed some of the writing i have done. and the thought has crossed my mind once or twice over the many years. so...

i have decided to give it a try.

over the next few months, i am going to explore several different aspects of writing.

fiction - a story (short or long)

non-fiction - collected stories of my life, both my own and those others allow me. (this is the one two of the people who told me i should write brought up.)

gaming - this is a two parter. first, the flavor of my on-going rifts japan campaign. second, the creation process of a brand new campaign. a d20 modern/future game. so this part will involve world creation, campaign setting and ultimately adventure design and flavor text.

blog - i will be attempting to log, journal, chronicle, etc, this journey of the written word. i will also be attempting to twitter it as well. no idea how stupid all of the transparency will get, but it will be another aspect of the writing.

i will also be pursuing some writing aids. i have found several collections of short exercises i intend to follow. hopefully they will hep.

i may at some points ask for commentary. i will certainly be open to constructive criticism in the public formats. 


oh, yes. one more thing. my blogs and twitters and other public ramblings may not be grammatically correct, properly punctuated and capitalized or will have some other english-related issues. get over it. 
i will write in each of these aspects as i see fit. informally most often, but proper when needs be.

i hope to have at least two samples to play with by the end of this week. i'll let you know.

and now to get to it. 

...one small step